induction motor

a type of electric motor in which alternating current from a power source is fed through a primary winding and induces a current in a secondary winding, with the parts arranged so that the resulting magnetic field causes a movable rotor to rotate with respect to a fixed stator.
Examples from the web for induction motor
  • The magnetic field of the rotor in an induction motor is generated by an electric current flowing through its copper windings.
  • In the induction motor, the rotor has no direct connection to an external source of electricity.
  • The pump impeller attaches to the rotor shaft of the driving motor, which is an electric induction motor.
  • The difference between theoretical, or synchronous, speed and actual speed in an induction motor.
  • Most dryers use a single-phase capacitor-run induction motor.
  • The actual operating speed of an induction motor is somewhat less than its synchronous speed.
British Dictionary definitions for induction motor

induction motor

a type of brushless electric motor in which an alternating supply fed to the windings of the stator creates a magnetic field that induces a current in the windings of the rotor. Rotation of the rotor results from the interaction of the magnetic field created by the rotor current with the field of the stator